Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Time for action - creating your game
I'll build the game first in Xcode and then show how to take the project to Eclipse, but the
folder structure remains the same, so you can work with any IDE you wish and the instruc-
tions here will be the same:
1. Open the terminal and create a new Cocos2d-x project called AirHockey that
uses C++ as its main language. I saved mine on the desktop, so the command I had
to enter looks like this:
cocos new AirHockey -p com.rengelbert.AirHockey -l cpp
-d /Users/rengelbert/Desktop/AirHockey
2. Once the project is created, navigate to its proj.ios_mac folder and double-
click on the AirHockey.xcodeproj file. (For Eclipse, you can follow the
same steps we did when we created the HelloWorld project to import the pro-
3. Select the top item in Project Navigator and making sure the iOS target is selec-
ted, edit the information by navigating to General | Deployment info , setting the
target device to iPad and Device Orientation to Portrait and Upside Down .
4. Save your project changes.
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