Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
What just happened?
You ran your first Cocos2d-x application in Android. Don't bother with the simulator for
your Android builds; it's a waste of time. If you don't have a device handy, consider invest-
ing in one.
Alternatively, you could open your project's root folder inside Terminal (or command
prompt) and use the Cocos2d-x console compile command:
cocos compile -p android
The people behind Cocos2d-x have announced they will get rid of the build Python script
in the future versions of the framework, so it's good to be prepared and know how to go
without it.
While working with Eclipse, you might soon be faced with the dreaded
java.lang.NullPointerException error. This might be related to conflicts in the
When you're faced with this error you have no option other than reinstall whatever Eclipse
points to as the culprit. This might happen after an update, or if for some reason you have
installed another framework that uses a path to the NDK or ADT. If the error is tied to a
particular project or library, just remove all projects from the package explorer in Eclipse
and reimport them.
Now let's go over the sample application and its files.
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