Game Development Reference
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Time for action - deploying to Android
We're going to open the project inside Eclipse:
1. Open Eclipse.
2. We need to fix the path to the NDK; this step may be optional in your system, and
in any case, it must be done only once. Inside Eclipse, go to Eclipse-Preferences ,
then inside the C/C++ option select Build-Environment .
3. You need to add the NDK path and it must be called NDK_ROOT . In order to do
this, you must click Add… , and use NDK_ROOT as the name and then click inside
the Value field to make sure the mouse cursor is active inside it, and then drag the
NDK folder you downloaded inside the field. On my machine the result looked
like this:
4. Click Apply . It might be good to restart Eclipse. (If you do not see the C/C++ op-
tion in Preferences, it means you do not have the CDT plugins installed. Look for
complete instructions at on how to install them.)
5. Now we're ready to bring our project inside Eclipse. Select File | Import… .
6. In the dialog box, select the Android option, and then select the Existing Android
Code Into Workspace option and click Next :
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