Game Development Reference
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Time for action - reading accelerometer
Just as you do with touch events, you need to tell the framework you want to read accel-
erometer data.
1. You tell the framework you wish to use the accelerometer with this one call inside
any Layer class:
2. Then, just as you've done with touch events, you subscribe to the accelero-
meter events from the event dispatcher as follows:
auto listenerAccelerometer =
(GameLayer::onAcceleration, this));
3. In Eskimo, the accelerometer data changes the value of a Point vector called
_acceleration .
void GameLayer::onAcceleration(Acceleration *acc,
Event *event) {
_acceleration = Vec2(acc->x *
acc->y *
This value is then read inside the main loop and used to move the Eskimo. In the
game, only one axis is updated at a time, depending on the current gravity. So you
can only ever move the Eskimo on the X axis or the Y axis with the accelerometer
data, but never both at the same time.
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