Game Development Reference
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Pop quiz
Q1. What is the main object in a Box2D simulation?
1. b2Universe .
2. b2d .
3. b2World .
4. b2Simulation .
Q2. A b2Body object can be of which type?
1. b2_dynamicBody , b2_sensorBody , b2_liquidBody .
2. b2_dynamicBody , b2_staticBody , b2_kinematicBody .
3. b2_staticBody , b2_kinematicBody , b2_debugBody .
4. b2_kinematicBody , b2_transparentBody , b2_floatingBody .
Q3. Which of the following list of properties can be set in a fixture definition?
1. Density, friction, restitution, shape.
2. Position, density, bullet state.
3. Angular damping, active state, friction.
4. Linear damping, restitution, fixed rotation.
Q4. If two bodies have the same unique value for their maskBits property in their fixture
definition, this means:
1. The two bodies can never collide.
2. The two bodies will only trigger begin contact events.
3. The two bodies can only collide with each other.
4. The two bodies will only trigger end contact events.
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