Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Point tap = touch->getLocation();
if (_pauseBtn->getBoundingBox().containsPoint(tap))
_state = kGamePaused;
_running = false;
8. If so, we change the game state to kGamePaused , change the texture on the
_pauseBtn sprite (by retrieving another sprite frame from
SpriteFrameCache ), stop running the game (pausing it), and return from the
9. We can finally do something about the rocket ship. So, continuing inside the same
if(touch != nullptr) { conditional seen previously, add these lines:
_drawing = false;
if (_lineContainer->getLineType() == LINE_TEMP) {
_lineContainer->setPivot (tap);
_lineContainer->setLineLength (
_rocket->getPosition().distance( tap ) );
_rocket->setPivot (tap);
10. We start by deselecting the _rocket sprite, and then we check whether we are
currently showing a temporary line in _lineContainer . If we are, this means
we can go ahead and create our new pivot point with the player's released touch.
We pass this information to _lineContainer with our setPivot method,
along with the line length. The _rocket sprite also receives the pivot point in-
Then, things get hairy! The _rocket sprite is moving at a pixel-based speed.
Once _rocket starts rotating, it will move at an angular-based speed through
Point.rotateByAngle . So the following lines are added to translate the
_rocket current pixel-based speed into angular speed:
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