Game Development Reference
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Time for action - updating the game
We already have the code that updates the countdowns inside the update. If it's time to add
a meteor or a health pack we do it. If it's time to make the game more difficult to play, we
do that too.
It is possible to use an action for these timers: a Sequence action with a Delay action
object and a callback. But there are advantages to using these countdowns. It's easier to re-
set them and to change them, and we can take them right into our main loop.
So it's time to add our main loop:
1. What we need to do is check for collisions. So add the following code:
if (_shockWave->isVisible()) {
count = (int) _fallingObjects.size();
for (i = count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
auto sprite =;
diffx = _shockWave->getPositionX() -
diffy = _shockWave->getPositionY() -
if (pow(diffx, 2) + pow(diffy, 2) <=
pow(_shockWave->getBoundingBox().size.width * 0.5f,
2)) {
sprite->runAction( _explosion->clone());
if (sprite->getTag() == kSpriteMeteor) {
_score += _shockwaveHits * 13 + _shockwaveHits *
//play sound
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