Game Development Reference
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Time for action - handling touches
Time to bring the player to our party:
1. Time to implement our onTouchBegan method. We'll begin by handling the two
game states, intro and game over :
bool GameLayer::onTouchBegan (Touch * touch, Event *
//if game not running, we are seeing either intro
or //gameover
if (!_running) {
//if intro, hide intro message
if (_introMessage->isVisible()) {
//if game over, hide game over message
} else if (_gameOverMessage->isVisible()) {
return true;
2. Here we check to see if the game is not running. If not, we check to see if any of
our messages are visible. If _introMessage is visible, we hide it. If
_gameOverMessage is visible, we stop all current sound effects and hide the
message as well. Then we call a method called resetGame, which will reset all
the game data (energy, score, and countdowns) to their initial values, and set
_running to true .
3. Next we handle the touches. But we only need to handle one each time so we use -
>anyObject() on Set :
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