Game Development Reference
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halo->setPosition(Vec2(size.width * 0.4f, size.height
* 0.4f));
_bomb->addChild(halo, kMiddleground, kSpriteHalo);
_gameBatchNode->addChild(_bomb, kForeground);
3. Then create the _shockwave sprite that appears after the _bomb goes off:
_shockWave =
4. Finally, add the two messages that appear on the screen, one for our intro state
and one for our gameover state:
_introMessage =
_introMessage->setPosition(Vec2 (_screenSize.width *
0.5f, _screenSize.height * 0.6f));
this->addChild(_introMessage, kForeground);
_gameOverMessage = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName
_gameOverMessage->setPosition(Vec2 (_screenSize.width
* 0.5f, _screenSize.height * 0.65f));
this->addChild(_gameOverMessage, kForeground);
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