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Haylee's hand shot up again. All of us were focused, no longer tired. MaMa, she said, had
told her what to do. “If you let them take you someplace else, they will hurt you twice as bad,
so you better bite, scratch, kick, and take all the DNA you can.”
Lisa beamed. Brad nodded. The handlers clapped.
Haylee is thoughtful and unafraid, smart and studious, curious about the world and all its
contradictions. Seven months later, I saw her at another event. She appeared to have grown
several inches. She had good news for me. Her manically energetic German shepherd, work-
ing in tandem with more experienced dogs, had helped pinpoint a drowning victim.
Haylee is a cadaver-dog handler in training. Even with her great handler genes and the
education she and her dog are receiving, she will make mistakes. Everyone does. It's possible
that she'll go through a zombie handler phase. I expect it will be brief. Her MaMa won't allow
it to last.
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