Database Reference
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The thumbnail is not stored anywhere in MySQL, but generated each
time we go into Browse mode for this set of rows. On a double Xeon
3.2GHz server, we commonly experience a generation rate of six JPEG
images per second.
For a .png file, we have to use image/png as the MIME type and image/png: inline
as the transformation.
Links to an image
To get a link without thumbnails, we use the image/jpeg: link transformation.
There are no transformation options. This link can be used to view the photograph
(by left-clicking on the link) and then possibly download it (by right-clicking on the
photograph itself).
Date formatting
We have a field named date_published in our book table; let's change its type
to DATETIME . Then, we set its MIME type to text/plain and the browser
transformation to text/plain: dateformat . The next step is to edit the row for the
"Future souvenirs" book, and enter 2003-01-01 14:56:00 in the date_published field
When we browse the table, we now see the field has been formatted. Moving the
mouse over the field reveals the unformatted original contents.
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