Database Reference
In-Depth Information
: The choices are INSERT , UPDATE , and REPLACE . The most
well-known of these types is the default INSERT —using INSERT statements
to import back our data. At import time, however, we could be in a situation
where a table already exists and contains valuable data, and we just want
to update the fields that are in the current table we are exporting. UPDATE
generates statements like UPDATE 'author' SET 'id' = 1, 'name' = 'John
Smith', 'phone' = '111-1111' WHERE 'id' = '1'; updating a row when
the same primary or unique key is found. The third possibility, REPLACE ,
produces statements like REPLACE INTO 'author' VALUES (1, 'John
Smith', '111-1111'); These act like an INSERT statement for new rows and
update existing rows, based on primary or unique keys.
Export type
The "Save as ile" subpanel
In the previous examples, the results of the export operation were displayed
on screen, and of course, no compression was made on the data. We can choose to
transmit the export file via HTTP by checking the Save as file checkbox. This triggers
a Save dialog into the browser, which ultimately saves the file on our local station.
File name template
The name of the proposed file will obey the File name template . In this template,
we can use the special __ SERVER__, __DB__ , and __TABLE__ placeholders. These
placeholders will be replaced by the current server, database, or table name (for
a single-table export). Note that there are two underscore characters before and
after the words. We can also use any special character from the PHP strftime
function; this is useful for generating an export file based on the current date or hour.
Finally, we can put any other string of characters (not part of the strftime special
characters), which will be used literally. The file extension is generated according to
the type of export. In this case, it will be .sql . Here are some examples for
the template:
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