Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Because we can change the number of records displayed on a page, it is quite
possible that we do not see the whole data. In this case, it would help to see
headwords—indications about the first and last row of displayed data. This way,
you can click Next or Previous without scrolling to the bottom of the window.
However, which column should phpMyAdmin base his headwords generation on?
A simple assumption has been made: if you click on a column's header to indicate
your intention of sorting on this column, phpMyAdmin uses this column's data as a
headword. For our current book table, we do not have enough data to clearly notice
the benefits of this technique. However, we can nonetheless see that after a sort, the
top part of the screen now contains this message:
Showing rows 0 - 1 (2 total, Query took 0.0006 sec) [author_id: 1 - 2]
Here, the message between square brackets means that author_id number 1 is on the
first displayed row and number 2 is on the last one.
Color-marking rows
When moving the mouse between rows, the row background color may change
to the color defined in $cfg['BrowsePointerColor'] . This parameter can be found
in themes/themename/ . To enable this, browse pointer for all
themes— $cfg['BrowsePointerEnable'] — must be set to TRUE (the default) in .
It may be interesting to visually mark some rows to highlight their importance for
personal comparison of data, or when showing data to people. Highlighting is done
by clicking the row. Clicking again removes the mark on the row. The chosen color
is defined by $cfg['BrowseMarkerColor'] ( see themes/themename/
php) . This feature must be enabled by setting $cfg['BrowseMarkerEnable'] to
TRUE , this time in . This sets the feature for all the themes. We can
mark more than one row. Marking the row also activates the checkbox for this row.
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