Chemistry Reference
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different kinds of chemical bonding, students are able to understand first reactions
including the change of particles from atoms to ions, or ions to corresponding
atoms. Important topics can be taught this way:
- Redox reactions and electron transfer
- Acid-base reactions and proton transfer
- Complex reactions and ligand exchange
The development of these concepts for the interpretation of many important
chemical reactions continues in grade 10-12 - additionally, considering Organic
Chemistry and chemistry in everyday life. Students should not only work with
isolated atoms, ions, or molecules but also with the structure of corresponding
substances before and after the reaction. With the principle of structure-orientation
continuously applied, students will gain a modern understanding of chemistry and
thereby the conception of today's chemists.
1. Gessner VH, Strohmann C (2010) Zwischen Aesthetik und Verstaendnis. Nachrichten aus der
Chemie 7/8, Society of German chemists GDCh
2. Grosser CG (1975) Strukturorientierter Chemieunterricht von Anfang an. Praxis Chemie
3. Johnstone AH (2000) Teaching of chemistry - logical or psychological? Cerapie 1:9
4. Barke H-D, Hasari A, Yitbarek S (2006) Misconceptions in chemistry. Springer, Heidelberg
5. Barke H-D (1992) Einf
uhrung des Ionenbegriffs durch Experimente zur Gefrierpunktser-
niedrigung. NiU-Chemie 3:93
6. Christen HR, Baars G (1997) Chemie. Diesterweg, Frankfurt
7. Sauermann D, Barke H-D (1997) Chemie f
ur Quereinsteiger. Band 1: Strukturchemie
und Teilchensystematik. Schuling, Munster
8. Sauermann D, Barke H-D (1998) Chemie fur Quereinsteiger. Band 2: Struktur der Metalle
und Legierungen. Schuling, Munster
9. Sauermann D, Barke H-D (1999) Chemie fur Quereinsteiger. Band 3: Molekule
und Molekulstrukturen. Schuling, Munster
10. Sauermann D, Barke H-D (2000) Chemie fur Quereinsteiger. Band 4: Ionenkristalle mit
einfachen Grundbausteinen. Schuling, Munster
11. Wells AF (1987) Structural inorganic chemistry. Clarendon, Oxford
12. Barke H-D, Sauermann D (1998) Memorymetalle - sie besitzen ein Formgedachtnis. Praxis
Chemie 47(Heft 3):7
13. Barke H-D (1991) Die Bildung von Natriumamalgam. Praxis Chemie 40(Heft 6):29
14. Barke H-D, Wirbs H (2000) Chemische Symbole fur kleinste Struktureinheiten. Praxis Chemie
49(Heft 2):2
15. Barke H-D, Rolleke R (1999) Max von Laue: ein einziger Gedanke - zwei große Theorien.
Praxis Chemie 48(Heft 4):19
16. American Association for the Advancement of Science “AAAS” (1993) Benchmarks for
ScienceLiteracy. Project 2061. Oxford University Press, New York
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