Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
12. Eigen M, Winkler R (1975) Das Spiel - Naturgesetze steuern den Zufall. Piper, M
13. Buck P (1994) Die Teilchenvorstellung - ein “Unmodell”. Chem Sch 41:412
14. Buck P (1994) Wie kann man die “Andersartigkeit der Atome” lehren? Chem Sch 41
15. Asselborn W, u.a.: Chemie heute. SI. Braunschweig 2010 (Schroedel)
16. Sauermann D, Barke H-D (1998) Chemie f
ur Quereinsteiger. Schueling, Muenster. Band 1:
Strukturchemie und Teilchensystematik, also
17. Sauermann D, Barke H-D (1998) Chemie fur Quereinsteiger. Schueling, Muenster. Band 2:
Struktur der Metalle und Legierungen, also
18. Sauermann D, Barke H-D (1998) Chemie fur Quereinsteiger. Schueling, Muenster. Band 4:
Ionenkristalle mit einfachen Gitterbausteinen, also
19. Sauermann D, Barke H-D (1998) Chemie fur Quereinsteiger. Schueling, Muenster. Band 3:
Molekule und Molekuelstukturen, also
20. Barke H-D (1994) Chemical education and spatial ability. J Chem Educ 70:968
21. Barke H-D (1980) Raumvorstellung im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. MNU 33:129
22. Barke H-D (1983) Das Training des Raumvorstellungsvermoegens durch die Arbeit mit
Strukturmodellen im Chemieunterricht. MNU 36:352
23. Barke H-D, Wirbs H (2002) Structural units and chemical formulae. CERAPIE 3:185
24. Dickerson RE, Geis I (1981) Chemie - eine lebendige und anschauliche Einfuehrung. Verlag
Chemie, Weinheim
25. Watson JD (1969) Die Doppel-Helix. Rowohlt, Hamburg
26. Faita: Postfach 1146, 83402 Mitterfelden, Germany
Further Reading
Ben-Zvi R, Eylon B, Silberstein J (1987) Students' visualization of a chemical reaction. Educ
Chem 24:117-120
Car M (1984) Model confusion in chemistry. Res Sci Educ 14:97-103
De Vos W, Verdonk AH (1996) The particulate nature of matter in science education and in
science. J Res Sci Teach 33(6):657-664
Ehrl´n K (2007) Children's understanding of globes as a model of the Earth: a problem of
contextualizing. Int J Sci Educ 30:221-238
Gabel DL (1993) Use of the particle nature of matter in developing conceptual understanding.
J Chem Educ 70(3):193-194
Gabel DL, Samuel KV, Hunn D (1987) Understanding the particulate nature of matter. J Chem
Educ 64:695-697
Griffiths AK, Preston KR (1992) Students' misconceptions relating to fundamental characteristics
of atoms and molecules. J Res Sci Teach 29:611-628
Grosslight L, Unger C, Jay E, Smith CL (1991) Understanding models and their use in science:
conceptions of middle and high school students and experts. J Res Sci Teach 28(9):799-822
Haidar HA, Abraham MR (1991) A comparison of applied and theoretical knowledge of concepts'
based on the particulate nature of matter. J Res Sci Teach 28(10):919-938
Harrison AG, Treagust DF (1996) Secondary students mental models of atoms and molecules:
implications for teaching science. Sci Educ 80:509-534
Harrison AG, Treagust DF (2002) The particulate nature of matter: challenges in understanding
the submicroscopic world. In: Gilbert JK, Jong OD, Justi RV, Driel JH (eds) Chemical
education: towards research based practice. Kluwer Academic, Amsterdam
Ingaham AM, Gilbert JK (1991) The use of analogue models by students of chemistry at higher
education level. Int J Sci Educ 13:193-202
Johnson P (1998) Progression in children's understanding of a 'basic' particle theory: a longitudinal
study. Int J Sci Educ 20(4):393-412
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