Chemistry Reference
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Material: Beaker, transformer, voltmeter, electromotor (2 V), cable and
alligator clips; two newly sanded lead plates, sulfuric acid solution (20%; C).
Procedure: The beaker is to be half-filled with sulfuric acid solution. Both
lead plates are to be positioned and attached in a way that they do not touch
each other, they are to be connected to the transformer by cables (see
Fig. 4.3 ). A direct current voltage has to be set so that a generation of
gases can be observed for one minute. The transformer is to be removed.
The voltage between the two plates is to be measured; the electromotor is to
be attached.
Observation: During the current supply a dark brown substance forms on
one of the lead plates (as it can be observed on one plate of a battery cell in
the car battery). After taking away the current supply a voltage of 2 V can be
measured between the two plates. The attached electromotor first spins fast,
but becomes slower and slower and finally stands still.
Please note: The sulfuric acid solution is contaminated with lead sulfate and
therefore toxic. If possible it should be poured into a labeled container,
stored and reused for the same experiment. Otherwise it needs to be
disposed off in the container for heavy metal waste.
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