Hardware Reference
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The scale parameter is a constant, one of either DEGREES_C for Celsius or
DEGREES_F for Fahrenheit. This function returns an int ; returned values vary
between -40° C and 150° C (or -40° F and 302° F).
The Esplora has something else uncommon for an Arduino; it has a micro-
phone. The microphone is not designed to record sounds; instead, it gives an
accurate reading of the amplitude of the ambient noise level. The value can be
read with readMicrophone() .
result = Esplora.readMicrophone();
This function takes no parameters and returns an int —the ambient sound
level—on a scale of 0 to 1,023.
Finally, the Esplora also has an accelerometer: a small device that can detect
the tilt of the device. Contrary to what some people believe from the name, an
accelerometer does not calculate coordinate acceleration (a change in velocity);
it measures proper acceleration: acceleration relative to gravity. It can therefore
detect a tilt (a change in direction relative to gravity) but also movement. (For
example, a falling device has limited acceleration attempting to counter gravi-
tational pull.)
Values can be read from the accelerometer by using readAccelerometer() .
value = Esplora.readAccelerometer(axis);
This function needs to be called for each axis individually. The axis is specii ed
using the axis parameter and is one of X_AXIS , Y_AXIS , or Z_AXIS . It returns an
int between -512 and 512. A result of zero means the axis is perpendicular to
gravity: negative and positive values mean acceleration on the axis.
int x_axis = Esplora.readAccelerometer(X_AXIS);
int y_axis = Esplora.readAccelerometer(Y_AXIS);
int z_axis = Esplora.readAccelerometer(Z_AXIS);
Serial.print("x: ");
Serial.print("\ty: ");
Serial.print("\tz: ");
The Esplora comes with an impressive array of buttons. On the left side of
the Esplora is an analog joystick and on the right side are digital buttons.
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