Hardware Reference
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This function attaches a function to the interrupt number interrupt , depending
on the status of the pin. The mode specii es the pin state to trigger the interrupt.
Valid states are LOW , CHANGE , RISING , FALLING , or HIGH . ISR names the function
you want to run. The ISR can be any function you write, but it cannot have
parameters and cannot return information.
The Arduino Due has a slightly different prototype, as shown here:
attachInterrupt(pin, ISR, mode) // Arduino Due only!
This function detaches a previously attached interrupt handler from attachIn-
terrupt() . Interrupts on this ID will now be ignored. All other interrupts remain
in place. It requires the interrupt ID to function.
This function is again slightly different for the Arduino Due; the Due requires
the pin number to be specii ed, not the interrupt ID.
detachInterrupt(pin); // Arduino Due only!
noInterrupts() temporarily disables interrupt handling. This is useful when
you are in an interrupt handler and do not want to be disturbed by other inter-
rupts. It does have a down side; some system functions require interrupts,
mainly communication. Do not disable all interrupts just because your code
does not require user-made interrupt handlers. Disable interrupts only when
there is timing-critical code being performed.
// Normal code
// Time critical code
// Normal code
interrupts() re-enables all interrupts. You do not need to reconi gure inter-
rupt handlers; all interrupts will be reconi gured as they were before calling
noInterrupts() .
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