Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 3.6 Decision-making matrix in Carapongo households
Decision process
Who decides how the family labour will be
When men work off-farm, women spend more time in the field or hire labour for
the farm
Who decides what inputs to buy?
The crop, animals and type of use (for food or for cash) determine who buys and
what to buy
Who decides which crop to grow?
Depends on demand for the crop and on capital. Women landowners/renters
might decide on which crops to grow
Who decides when to harvest?
When the crop is ready for harvest there is always some flexibility
Who decides on whether the family should
sell for cash or consume as food
production (crop/livestock)?
Depends upon the land, water, capital available, labour and knowledge of the
crop/animal production
Who decides on the number of animals to
Depends upon the household labour and capital available. Example, a case of a
man deciding to buy ducks
Who decides what part of the harvest is
sold and how?
Women decide on how much of the production (vegetables) is required for
market and for household consumption, and how much can be taken to market.
Both men and women choose to harvest a few heads of lettuce for eating
Who decides when animals will be sold?
Women usually make this decision but men can influence it, specifically for
commercial production such as pigs
Who decides what animal products will be
sold and how?
The only animal product is pig meat
Who decides to buy or rent additional land?
Men and women make decision, but men dominate in this area
Who decides to buy more animals?
Depends on capital available and space to keep animals. Women dominate this
Who decides whether a child goes to
school or not?
Both make this decision
Who decides on going to a doctor?
Women dominate the decision
Source: Results from workshop discussions.
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