Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
institutions and municipal authorities. Gender analysis between men and
women in the use of household assets was also done.
The paper begins by explaining the methods used as well as the livelihoods
approach. An analysis of access to assets by urban farmers is presented,
followed by an overview of the dimensions of gender related to home-based
agriculture. The paper then identifies the influence of UA in Carapongo and
presents an analysis of the stakeholders and some of the conflicts between them.
Finally, the study concludes with the main research results.
Definition of the study area
Carapongo is located on the Rı´ mac River approximately 15 km from the
centre of metropolitan Lima (Figure 3.1). Here, many vegetables are produced
by smallholder farms by a predominantly migrant population who come from
rural areas. This locality was selected for several reasons: agriculture
represents a way of life for more that half of its population (INEI, 2002); there
is a strong interconnection and integration with the economic and ecological
system of the urban centres; there is ample future potential due to the
abundance of natural resources such as water and land; and producers can
benefit from contacts with nearby organizations.
In this study, several techniques and instruments of quantitative, qualitative
and participatory research were used. Additionally, a review of literature,
including a statistical overview, was carried out in order to prepare the
theoretical framework.
In order to better understand the actors' various perceptions of UA, semi-
structured, in-depth interviews were carried out. In total, 15 farmers and five
local authority representatives were interviewed. Also, participatory
workshops explored various subjects such as historical events that have
affected the community in recent years. An example of this was the
identification and prioritization of the principal historical problems affecting
UA along with discussions and suggestions of alternative solutions - the
matrix of alternatives.
Two discussion groups were conducted to collect information about
gender roles, one comprised of men and the other of women. Other tools such
as seasonal calendars, transect walks and problem analysis using drawing
were also carried out for gender analysis.
For the survey, 125 households were randomly selected using a list of
farmers. In each household, the person identified as the main individual
responsible for the farm was interviewed. Interviews contained 110 questions
and lasted approximately 45 minutes. All interviews were conducted by the
author and a team of students during two months.
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