Agriculture Reference
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needs to be included in such interventions. Nutrition knowledge should be
given to community members because it is absolutely essential for making
informed choices in the selection and preparation of food for the household
members. It is important to educate mothers on how to provide adequate
nutrition and healthcare so as to improve the nutrition and health of children
(especially those in their early childhood) to prevent stunting.
I want to acknowledge everyone who dedicated their time, effort and input to
ensure the success of this project. I thank my supervisors Dr Elizabeth Kuria
and Dr Margaret Keraka of Kenyatta University for their committed guidance
and support.
Sincere thanks, also, to project-team members Ruth Nyansera, Jane
Kaberia and Paul Okuta from the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of
Livestock and Fisheries Development for their technical support. I also
acknowledge the support of Gideon Ndung'u, my research assistant, Elizabeth
Wambui and Josephat Wahiu, my field assistants, as well as to Onesmus
Muinde and Robert Ofwago for technical advice in the interpretation of data.
Lastly and most importantly, I sincerely appreciate the financial support of the
AGROPOLIS granting programme of the Canadian-based International
Development Research Centre (IDRC), which enabled me to complete the
project successfully.
Eunice Wambui Njogu, Ph.D. (Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics), PO Box 62697, Nairobi
00200, Kenya; email:
In Fisher's formula, n was determined as follows: n ¼ Z 2 pq divided by d 2 where n ¼ the
desired sample size when the population is more than 10,000; Z ¼ the standard normal
deviation at the required confidence level; p ¼ the proportion in the target population
estimated to have characteristics being measured; q ¼ 1 p; and d ¼ the level of
statistical significance set. The calculation was: n ¼ð 1 : 96 Þ 2
(0.50) (0.050) divided by
ð 0 : 05 Þ 2 ¼ 384 : 00.
Bonnard, P. (2001) Improving the Nutrition impacts of Agriculture Interventions: Strategy
and Policy Brief, Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) and
Academy for Education Development (AED), Washington DC
EpiInfo (2000) Anthropometric analysis software. US National Centre for Health Statistic
NCHS and World Health Organization (software accessed in 2000; http://
Fisher, A. A., Lang, J. E., Stoeckel, J. E. and Townsend, J. W. (1998) Handbook for Family
Planning Operations Research Design, 2nd edition, Population Council Nairobi, Nairobi
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