Agriculture Reference
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Source: GMB and CSO.
Figure 4.3 Trends in maize intake via the Grain Marketing Board
realize their potential and possible side-effects would be avoided (MDP, 2003).
One option for Harare would be to create a platform on urban food and
environmental policy issues that includes UA. In Bulawayo, the city has
undergone a project called the Multi-stakeholder Process for Action Planning
and Policy Design. Its purpose is to bring multiple stakeholders around the
same table to discuss issues of common interest, challenges and solutions. A
similar process for Harare City would improve the quality of decision making.
The city can act as a convenor and facilitate the process of the development of
UA. Such a municipal platform could lead to the development of a
comprehensive, city-based food security plan as it has in Buluwayo. It could
also stimulate the integration of UA into urban zoning and development plans,
to advise on the revision of city by-laws related to UA, and to coordinate the
planning of action programmes, as is the case in Kampala, Uganda.
As the population of Zimbabwe becomes increasingly urban, food insecurity
becomes more of an urban issue. This study showed that UA can contribute
significantly to food security. Therefore, policy guidelines - along with
guidelines for sustainable use of open spaces for UA - should be both very
clear and readily available. This is particularly relevant, given that 80 per cent
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