Biomedical Engineering Reference
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2. Wittwer, C. T. and Kusukawa, N. (2004) Real-time PCR, in Diagnostic Molecular
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3. Ririe, K. M., Rasmussen, R. P., and Wittwer, C. T. (1997) Product differentiation
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4. Lay, M. J. and Wittwer, C. T. (1997) Real-time fluorescence genotyping of factor
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6. Crockett, A. O. and Wittwer, C. T. (2001) Fluorescein-labeled oligonucleotides
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8. Wittwer, C. T., Reed, G. H., Gundry, C. N., Vandersteen, J. G., and Pryor, R. J.
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11. Wittwer, C. T., Ririe, K. M., Andrew, R. V., David, D. A., Gundry, R. A., and
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12. Meuer, S. C., Wittwer, C., and Nakagawara, K. (2001) Rapid cycle real-time
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13. Reischl, U., Wittwer, C., and Cockerill, F. (2002) Rapid cycle real-time PCR- meth-
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14. Dietmaier, W., Wittwer, C., and Sivasubramanian, N. (2002) Rapid cycle real-time
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15. Wittwer, C.T., Hahn, M., and Kaul, K. (2004) Rapid cycle real-time PCR—meth-
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16. Reed, G. H. and Wittwer, C. T. (2004) Sensitivity and specificity of single-nucle-
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