Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 17.17 Intrinsic qualities such as distinct landforms aggregate into discrete land-
scapes; together these landscapes constitute a complete landscape continuum.
d'Oreilles peoples look at impacts to land in terms of seven generations, holding a
long-term view became essential.
By applying curvilinear design and flexible lane configurations, Jones & Jones
were able to design a roadway that met safety and traffic concerns without drastically
increasing pavement cross-section or grading. Rather than a straight, unforgiving
four-lane road, a scenic corridor was created that largely avoided sensitive natural
and cultural resources. Less than 50 percent of the total 55 mile corridor is being
constructed as a multi-lane highway, a far cry from the 100 percent four- or five-lane
superhighway originally proposed by transportation officials (Figure 17.19).
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