Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
at the Dana Nature Reserve in Jordan, as described in chapter 16, and in
contrast to the small and scruffy center at the Hula Swamp in Israel, as
described in chapter 6).
There is a need to work with neighboring farmers to compensate them for
land returned to wetlands or to create a new market for their products (see
chapter 10).
Harvest “waste” water; in other words, don't waste it (see chapters 18, 19,
and 20).
Ecological education can be very important as a change agent (see chapters
12, 13, and 16).
Don't forget or be snobby about recreation along with ecological re-creation
(such actions will certainly be important in building sustainable communi-
ties at the edge of the Iraqi marshes).
Restoration is a growth industry that employs many (see chapter 3).
Establishment of a sustainable funding base is required to ensure ongoing
maintenance of the ecological refuge or park.
Aronson, J., S. J. Milton, and J. N. Blignaut. 2007. Restoring natural capital: Science, busi-
ness, and practice . Washington, DC: Island.
Armillas, P. 1971. Gardens on swamps. Science 174:653-61.
Coe, M. 1964. The chinampas of Mexico. Scientific American 211:90-98.
Cunningham, S. 2002. The restoration economy . San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
Duffetel, D. 1992. A dream garden: A brief history of the chinampas and three dreams. Arte
de Mexico (20; special issue).
Elizondo, J. G. 1996. Mexico City: Images of a rescue: Xochimilco, centro histórico . Berkeley:
Graduate School of Design, University of California.
France, R.  L. 2003. Wetland design: Principles and practices for landscape architects and
land-use planners . New York: Norton.
———. 2007. Wetlands of mass destruction: Ancient presage for contemporary ecocide in
southern Iraq . Winnipeg, MB: Green Frigate Books.
———. 2008. Handbook of regenerative landscape design . Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Greenpeace. 1997. La Venta, the cradle of the Olmec culture converted by PEMEX into petro-
leum coated wetlands. http://archive.greenpeace.org.
Hiriart, H. 1992. The sleeping garden: Impressions of Xochimilco. Arte de Mexico (20; spe-
cial issue).
Kramer, S. N. 1967. Cradle of civilization . New York: Time-Life.
Kusler, J. A. 1998. Guidebook for creating wetland interpretation sites including wetlands and
ecotourism . Windham, ME: Association of State Wetland Managers.
Meier, R. 1996. Xochimilco. Garten + Landschaft 6:11-15.
Outerbridge, T. 1987. The disappearing chinampas of Xochimilco. The Ecologist 17:76-83.
Nicholson, E., and P. Clark. 2002. The Iraqi marshlands: A human and environmental study .
London: Politico's.
Parks Watch. 2006. Pantanos de Centla Biosphere Reserve. www.parkswatch.org.
Plata, F. 2002. Historias de Pantanos . Mexico City: Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo
Sustentable A.C.
Pournelle, J.  R. 2003. Marshland of cities: Deltaic landscapes and the evolution of early
Mesopotamian civilization. PhD diss., University of California, San Diego.
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