Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 11.26
Treatment swale for stormwater runoff from the divided highway.
There are a number of lessons from these two Mexican wetland projects that are
applicable to the restorative redevelopment of the Iraqi marshlands.
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It is important to put in place rigidly defined and strictly enforced zoning to
avoid allowing confusing gray zones to evolve which can lead to misman-
agement (see chapters 15 and 16).
An active ecotourism program and construction of a high-visibility visitor
center are useful to generate worldwide interest which might prove useful
for further fundraising efforts (see chapter 16).
Though at first pass it seems dangerous, it may also prove profitable to
develop some sort of cautious relationship with oil exploration companies
to support visitor center infrastructure projects.
There is a cardinal need to engage locals in the tourism industry in order
to diminish poaching and overfishing (there are many examples of this in
African wildlife refuges where former poachers operate now as game war-
dens; see also chapter 16).
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A very useful strategy is to capitalize on the romance, nostalgia, and history
of the location to leverage World Heritage Site status and visibility.
A high-visibility visitor center designed by renowned architects and land-
scape architects can grab worldwide attention and interest (such as that
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