Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Patrow, H. 2001. The Mesopotamian marshlands: Demise of an ecosystem . Nairobi: United
Nations Environmental Programme.
U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Stream corridor restoration: Principles, processes, and
practices . Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Wheeler, N. 2007. Witness to a lost landscape: The marshes in the mid-seventies. In Wetlands
of mass destruction: Ancient presage for contemporary ecocide in southern Iraq , ed. R.
L. France. Winnipeg, MB: Green Frigate Books.
Young, D., and B. Batt. 2004. Rebuilding wetlands and waterfowl resources. Paper pre-
sented at the Mesopotamian Marshes and Modern Development: Practical Approaches
to Sustaining Restored Ecological and Cultural Landscapes conference, Cambridge,
MA, October.
Young, G. 1977. Return to the marshes: Life with the marsh Arabs of Iraq . London:
Collins Books.
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