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simulational ones. The present essay not only upholds this vision but puts it into
practice programmatically offering its insights as the complementary combina-
tion of text and interactive virtual worlds. Wanna play?
Bogost I (2012) Alien phenomenology, or, what it's like to be a thing. University of Minnesota
Press, Minneapolis
Coolen M (1992) De machine voorbij. Over het zelfbegrip van de mens in het tijdperk van de
informatietechniek. Boom, Amsterdam
DeKoven B (2002) The well-played game: a playful path to wholeness. Writers Club Press, Lincoln
Dunne A, Raby F (2013) Speculative everything: design, fi ction and social dreaming. The MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA
Flanagan M (2009) Critical play: radical game design. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
Gold MK (ed) (2012) Debates in the digital humanities. The University of Minnesota Press,
Gualeni S (2013) 'Augmented ontologies; or, how to philosophize with a digital hammer', journal
article on Springer's Philos Technol, Edited by Floridi L, 26(2):177-199. ISSN 2210-5433,
doi: 10.1007/s13347-013-0123-x
Gualeni S (2014) Freer than we think: game design as Autopoiesis . Paper published in the proceed-
ings of the 2014 'philosophy of computer games conference', Istanbul, 13-16 November 2014
Haraway D (1991) A cyborg manifesto: science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the late
twentieth century. In: Haraway D (ed) Simians, cyborgs and women: the reinvention of nature.
Routledge, New York, pp 149-181
Heidegger M (1927) Being and time (trans: Macquarrie J, Robinson E). Harper & Row Publishers
Inc., San Francisco (1962)
Hume D (1738) A treatise of human nature. Available online at
fi les/4705/4705-h/4705-h.htm . Accessed on 28 May 2014
Ihde D (1990) Technology and the lifeworld: from garden to earth. Indiana University Press,
McLuhan M (1994) Understanding media: the extensions of man. The MIT Press, Cambridge,
MA. (The original work was published in 1964)
Mosca I (2013) From fi ction to reality and back: ontology of ludic simulations. Int J Gaming Comp
Mediat Simul 5(1):13-31
Musil R (1996) The man without qualities, vol I. Vintage International, New York. (The original
work was published in 1930)
Postman N (2005) Amusing ourselves to death: public discourse in the age of show business.
Penguin Books Ltd., London. (The original work was published in 1986)
Rayner T (2007) Foucault's Heidegger: philosophy and transformative experience. Bloomsbury
Academic, London
Salen K, Zimmermann E (2003) Rules of play: game design fundamentals. The MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA
Sicart M (2011) Against procedurality. Game Stud Int J Game Stud 11(3). ISSN 1604-7982.
Available online at:
Vattimo G (1991) The end of modernity. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. (The
original work was published in 1985)
Verbeek P (2011) Moralizing technology - understanding and designing the morality of things.
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
Yee N (2014) The proteus paradox - how online games and virtual worlds change us - and how
they don't. Yale University Press, New Haven
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