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Rice L (2009) Playful learning. J Educ Built Environ 4(2):94-108
Russ SW (1998) Play, creativity, and adaptive functioning: implications for play interventions. J
Clin Child Psychol 27(4):469-480
Russ SW (2003) Play and creativity: developmental issues. Scand J Educ Res 47(3):291-303
Schoenfeld AH (1998) Toward a theory of teaching-in-context. Issues Educ 4:1-94
Slater M, Wilbur S (1997) A framework for immersive virtual environments (FIVE): speculations
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Sutton-Smith B (1997) The ambiguity of play. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
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tion, a Hopkins series on education and technology. Johns Hopkins University Press,
Vygotsky LS (1967) Play and its role in the mental development of the child. J Russ East Eur
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Vygotsky LS (1978) Mind in society. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
Wenger E (2008) Communities of practice: learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge
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