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Chapter 2
The Internet Is Ancient, Small Steps Are
Important, and Four Other Theses About
Making Things in a Digital World
David Gauntlett
Human beings have been creative, and made things, for many thousands of years.
Indeed, the evidence suggests that the fi rst human tools were made almost two mil-
lion years ago (Donald 2001 ). Digital technologies and the internet have not initi-
ated creativity, therefore, but they have certainly given creative practices a boost, by
enabling several things to be achieved much more simply and quickly: connections
between people, distribution of material, conversations about it, collaborations, and
opportunities to build on the work of others.
Therefore I would say that the internet is certainly empowering for people who
like to make things, share ideas, and learn together. The six theses which I will dis-
cuss in this chapter all concern different dimensions of that strength. Before we get
going, though, I'd like to directly address how self-conscious one can feel in saying
such a thing.
There is, unmistakably, a fundamental divide between those who say positive
things about the value of the internet for culture and society and those who are
broadly critical or negative. If you read things published in this area, you can't really
miss it. The pessimistic ones - which includes a majority of the academic writers -
clearly take pride in their 'critical' position, as if they have been really clever to
avoid being brainwashed by the pro-internet propaganda (whatever that is), and like
to give the impression that their position is risky and iconoclastic, even though it is
the most common one in academic circles and the most populist in terms of aca-
demic professional kudos. Whilst there is a valuable social role to be occupied by
the critic who can observe that 'the emperor has no clothes', 1 I believe that there
1 If you are a stranger to this cultural reference, see's_
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