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propose: '(1) to measure the size of support network, (2) to uncover motivations for
different audiences and (3) to identify opportunities to build reputation'.
Yi and Gerbner ( 2012 ) consider that crowdfunding is an emerging creativity tool
which supports collaboration in a community of users who share technical knowl-
edge as well as monetary resources. According to the authors crowdfunding plat-
forms encourage people to get their creative ideas shown, recognised, validated and
supported. These platforms generate a pressure which gives discipline to the proj-
ects (Damus 2014 ) and which is exerted by delivering an idea online, sharing it with
a critical mass, agreeing to a deadline to achieve the goal and accepting the all-or-
nothing approach, that is, achieving the requested sum and receiving it or not getting
This all-or-nothing approach is the only possibility in most of online crowdfund-
ing platforms, but there are exceptions such as Indiegogo, which allows creators to
choose a fl exible project. If the authors do not meet the goal or purpose, they will
obtain the money given by the donors until the last day of the campaign. In this case,
Indiegogo will keep a 7 % of the amount obtained.
Shneiderman's Genex Framework, conceived to help human-computer interac-
tion researchers and user interface designers to design effective tools to support
creativity, proposes four activities representing the process of creative work - col-
lect, relate, create and donate - defi ned by smaller tasks (Shneiderman 2000 : 9) (see
Fig. 10.2 ).
1. Collect: learn from previous works stored in libraries, the Web, etc.
2. Relate: consult with peers and mentors at early, middle and late stages.
3. Create: explore, compose and evaluate possible solutions.
4. Donate: disseminate the results and contribute to the libraries.
Aiming to identify the attributes of online crowdfunding platforms related to the
creation process, Yi and Gerbner ( 2012 ) applied Shneiderman's Genex Framework,
to the top three platforms - Kickstarter, RocketHub and Indiegogo - by grouping
1. Searching and browsing digital
2. Consulting with peers and mentors.
3. Visualizing data and processes.
4. Thinking by free associations.
5. Exploring solutions, what-if tools.
6. Composing artifacts and performances
7. Reviewing and replaying session histories.
8. Disseminating results.
1. Collect.
2. Relate.
3. Create.
4. Donate.
Fig. 10.2 Genex phases and their related primary activities, according to Shneiderman ( 2000 : 9 )
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