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Fig. 8.5 Student interpretations of their own creative roles when designing the game
of them interpreted his/her work. A synthesis of the content of this conversation
appears in Fig. 8.5 .
The previous fragment presented the team director's explanations about her own
role. Her main ideas, when she answered the questions of the radio broadcaster, are
included in the conversation map: fi rst, her role as group coordinator; second, how
she distributed the tasks in order to create the fi nal product; third, adopting the prac-
tices of brands and companies where she helped the team to organize a business
pitch to present the project in session 5 and the fi nal product on session 14. We will
now focus on how they approached and interpreted the work of the rest of the team.
To understand their roles, the following paragraphs will include both the video
game elements as proposed by each of the team members and the student's explana-
tion when replying to the radio broadcaster in the fi nal interview. The process of
creating the game would not have been possible without the cooperation that took
place between them, always acting in a complementary way.
The Game Designer's Role
The designer had two tasks. She had to write the script for the game and also to
integrate its rules into the story in order to guide the player's activities. Figure 8.6 is
a summary of the chapter prepared for delivery to the programmer as an example of
the game mechanics.
It's very clear how important game mechanics are for her. They focus on the
confrontation between enemies. To achieve this, the hero must fi nd the antidote in
the bonus boxes. How the students interpreted her work is presented in the follow-
ing fragment.
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