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creative process of the fi nal production. Tasks can be segmented, and each sub-task
must be done at the right time. Delays will cause a problem to the rest of the group.
According to John-Steiner, there is another way of working, where each member of
the group is present in all tasks. This way of acting leads to a transformation of the
participants' global vision of the creative process. The latter is defi ned as “integra-
tive collaboration.” They are not mutually exclusive but complementary; this is the
main reason why we mentioned both of them.
Material and Visual Support
Having described and distributed all roles, it was necessary to manage the setup.
The students had not suggested any planning process over time. Therefore, the
researchers proposed a dynamic strategy based on a division of tasks supported by
the generation of different game elements. The strategy will allow them to go for-
ward together and organize visually several tasks, displayed using Post-its and
cards. Let's see how the researchers present their proposal for work organization.
Fragment 6. Work organization: The researchers' proposal
Session 6. 2013 01 24
We were thinking about the process you can follow to organize all the work you need to do…
The process we are proposing is quite visual; it employs cards and Post-its, okay?
Then, to organize the group, we will take a giant card and place stickers and move from side to
Now I'll tell you roughly, and then I will present an example of what I'm saying.
So the fi rst thing for what it is used is to identify all the elements that you will see in the game.
I think we are being quite insistent on this idea all the time…
Later on this will be useful for planning, because each of these elements will require some work;
you will need some graphics, sound, programming, planning…
And then each of those elements, which requires work, will have to be passed from hand to
The fi rst step might be to design, then draw graphs, and then look at the sound and audio, and
fi nally the developer will have to gather everything in the process…
You have to distribute the elements of the game between you.
So how do we identify the elements of the game?
Well, with stickers, with Post-its. What we do when we start organizing the team…
What you will do at fi rst is ask: What are the game's entities? And you will do one Post-it for
each of them.
Reading the text in detail, we notice that the researcher has structured his speech
stopping at the steps students must follow in their activity. Figure 8.4 shows the
implementation of the strategy by the students in one of the sessions during the
In this context, the role of the team director is especially relevant, as she realized
herself in the fi nal interview on the local radio station.
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