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Fig. 8.1
Theoretical models
Dialogue, Creation, and Intersubjectivity
Bakhtin's words help us to understand how the creative dialogue takes place in the
classroom (Brettschneider 2004 ). In a very general sense, creative comprehension
does not become exhausted into itself:
Creative understanding does not renounce itself, its own place in time, its own culture; and
it forgets nothing. In order to understand, it is immensely important for the person who
understands to be located outside the object of his or her creative understanding - in time,
in space, in culture. (Bakhtin et al. 1986 , p. 7)
In order to understand the integrity of a cultural production, rather than merely
focusing on it as the author himself understood it, we should go further. True under-
standing is active and creative by nature. In that sense, a process of co-creativity of
those who understand is being generated, and this is true whatever is the basis of our
“outsideness,” be it personal, spatial, temporal, national, or otherwise.
It is in this framework where we can place the notion of intersubjectivity, sup-
porting creative processes. It is merged into cooperation considering that it is neces-
sary to share goals and values. This collaboration needs to be understood as a
process interwoven in history and culture where creative individuals develop.
According to this model, Landay ( 2004 ) identifi es four principles of Bakhtinian
theory which are a starting point to create educational environments favoring cre-
ativity. They are the following:
• Heteroglossia. The meaning of any utterance is never fi xed; it differs in rich and
complex ways according to the context and conditions in which it is used. The
same words can have different meanings and create diffi culties that must be over-
come when designing a game collectively.
Dialogue, which merges into the social world. Dialogism is embedded in speak-
ing subjects. Meanings need to be shared, and when they are they create intersub-
jective communication contexts. Considering dialogues when the game is
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