Geology Reference
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H 2 O
H 2 O
T o C
T o C
T o C
Fig. 13.13 P(H 2 O)-T diagram of a synthetic biotite mafurite. The left hand diagram shows
subsolidus (open symbols) and above-solidus runs for water-saturated and anhydrous conditions
and the positions of the liquid for 5 and 15 % H 2 O. Olivine is the liquidus phase, shown as solid
lines. The centre diagram shows experimental points and incoming of phases for 5 % H 2 O and the
right diagram shows similar data for 15 % H 2 O. The olivine-out boundary at high pressure, due to
reaction with liquid and other solid phases with decreasing temperature, is shown as a dashed
boundary. Below 2 GPa olivine crystallization is followed by phlogopite and clinopyroxene. In
case of 15 % H 2 O ilmenite appears as the last phase (after Edgar et al. 1976)
Table 13.2 . The results of
experiments and runs with various amounts
of H 2 O and/or CO 2 added are summarized in Fig. 13.14 a, b. The phase relations on
the system biotite mafurite-H 2 O at 3.0 GPa is shown in Fig. 13.14 a, b. In this
they took the data on 5, 15 and 40 % H 2 O from Edgar et al. (1976). They had two
sets of runs on the biotite-mafurite at 3.0 GPa. In one set of runs H 2 OorCO 2 was
not added and in case of another set 30 wt% CO 2 was added. Comparison of both
sets of run products, show that in both cases olivine is the
first phase crystallizing
from the melt. However, the liquidus temperature for the CO 2 -saturated composi-
tion is approximately 120 o lower than that for volatile-free biotite mafurite, sug-
gesting substantial solubility of carbon dioxide in the silicate liquid. They analysed
quenched glasses from biotite mafurite + 30 wt% CO 2 runs, and found that it
contains 10.4 wt% CO 2 at 1,380
C and
3.0 GPa giving an average of 10.6 wt% CO 2 . This value is only slightly higher than
the CO 2 solubility in olivine melilite melts (Brey and Green 1976; Brey 1976). Both
magmas contain high Mg and Ca have but very different K and Na contents.
Ryabchikov and Green established that olivine was the liquidus phase for both
volatile-free and CO 2 -saturated compositions, but the second crystallizing phase was
clinopyroxene in the
C and 3.0 GPa and 10.9 wt% CO 2 at 1,370
first case and orthopyroxene in the second. Similar observation
was noted by them in the runs with both CO 2 and H 2 O. They further established that
at suf
ciently high concentration of CO 2 , clinopyroxene is replaced by orthopy-
roxene. They concluded from their experiments that approximately 6 wt% CO 2 is
necessary to bring orthopyroxene to the liquidus in biotite mafurite composition at
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