Geology Reference
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12.4 Investigation of the System KAlSiO 4 -
Mg 2 SiO 4 -
SiO 2
in Presence of H 2 O and CO 2 up to 2 GPa
Wendlandt and Eggler (1980) studied the compositional
join)KAlSiO 4 -
SiO 2 -
H 2 O
CO 2 at high pressures and high temperatures. They emphasised the
cance of the following reactions:
(1) phlogopite + kalsilite + leucite
forsterite + liquid (Yoder and Kushiro
(2) phlogopite
forsterite + liquid,
(3) phlogopite + vapour
forsterite + liquid,
(4) phlogopite + kalsilite + leucite + vapour
forsterite + liquid,
(5) phlogopite + sanidine + vapour
forsterite + leucite + liquid,
(6) phlogopite + enstatite + sanidine + vapour
forsterite + liquid,
(7) phlogopite + sanidine + quartz + vapour
enstatite + liquid,
(8) phlogopite + sanidine + leucite + vapour
forsterite + liquid,
forsterite + liquid,
(10) phlogopite + forsterite + sanidine + vapour
(9) phlogopite + sanidine + vapour
(11) phlogopite + sanidine + vapour
(12) phlogopite + enstatite + forsterite + sanidine + vapour
(13) phlogopite + enstatite + sanidine + vapour
(14) phlogopite + forsterite + sanidine + vapour
enstatite + liquid,
(15) phlogopite + sanidine + vapour
enstatite + liquid,
(16) kalsilite + sanidine
2 leucite,
(17) phlogopite + kalsilite + sanidine + vapour
forsterite + liquid,
kalsilite + 4 enstatite,
(19) phlogopite + enstatite + kalsilite + vapour
sanidine + 2 forsterite
forsterite + liquid,
(20) phlogopite + enstatite + magnesite
forsterite + kalsilite + vapour,
enstatite + magnesite + liquid,
(22) phlogopite + enstatite + magnesite
forsterite + kalsilite + vapour
forsterite + kalsilite + liquid,
(23) phlogopite + enstatite + magnesite + vapour forsterite + liquid, and
(24) phlogopite + kalsilite + vapour
enstatite + magnesite + liquid.
The P-T projection of phase relations involving phlogopite, enstatite, forsterite,
magnesite, sanidine, kalsilite, leucite, liquid and vapour in the compositional join
KAlSiO 4 -
CO 2 , as determined by Wendlandt and Eggler is
shown in Fig. 12.11 . Dash lines at low pressure are reaction in the H 2 O-saturated
quaternary join. Wendlandt and Eggler obtained the results related to I 10 are from
Yoder and Kushiro (1969) and those for I 11 ,I 12 and I 13 are from Luth (1967). In
Fig. 12.11 , light solid lines are related to reactions in the CO 2 -saturated quaternary
joins and volatile-absent subsolidus reactions are already discussed in the preceding
sections. The reaction, enstatite + magnesite
SiO 2 -
H 2 O
forsterite + CO 2 is from Newton
and Sharp. The reaction related to the breakdown of leucite to form sanidine and
kalsilite is from Lindsley (1966).
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