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as a reaction product between diopside and nepheline at low pressure in air and
0.1 GPa (Figs. 9.1 and 9.2 ), but disappears below 985
C (point G in Fig. 9.2 ).
Complete elimination of leucite ss occurs at 815
C, after the disappearance of
leucite and forsterite, the join behaves essentially as a ternary system. The present
experimental study of the join diopside
sanidine at 0.1 GPa (Fig. 9.2 )
suggest that a nepheline-bearing leucitite (point H) can be derived from a Na-rich
leucitite (curve M
H), a nepheline-bearing italite (point E) or an olivine nephelinite
(point G).
Let us consider point
(Di 70 Ne 25 San 5 ; Fig. 9.2 ). As content of normative
pyroxene and nepheline is high, the bulk composition should correspond to mela-
nephelinite (ijolite or melteigite; also see Fig. 9.2 for mineralogical composition).
Mela-nephelinite is a melanocratic nephelinite with higher concentration of pyroxene
compared to nepheline and having dark colour. Reference to the diagram of Fig. 9.2
suggests that from such a liquid (point X), diopside ss should precipitate
rst. As the
temperature drops, the liquid composition will move along diopside-X to
. At point
forsterite ss will co-precipitate with diopside ss and the composition of the liquid
should leave the diopside
sanidine plane and move towards diop-
side ss + nepheline ss + forsterite ss liquid univariant line (olivine nephelinite). Forsterite
start to react with liquid and disappears around 985 + 5
C. When the univariant line
moves to point G (Fig. 9.2 ) and forsterite ss completely reacts out, the liquid comes
back to the diopside - nepheline - sanidine plane. After the disappearance of forsterite ss
the liquid should move along the curve G
H with co-precipitation of nepheline ss and
diopside ss resulting in the generation of a nephelinite. At H (865
C), diopside ss ,
nepheline ss and leucite ss (nepheline leucitite) are in equilibrium with liquid (Fig. 9.2 ).
Leucite ss start to react with the liquid below 840
C, and sanidine start to appear. The
assemblage at 840
C, therefore, corresponds to a leucite and pyroxene-bearing
phonolite (Lc ss +Ne ss +San ss + pyroxene L). Pargasitic amphibole precipitate just
before the solidus is reached and the assemblage at 820 + 10
C corresponds to a
potassic pargasite-bearing leucite
phonolite. The crystallization of a liquid of com-
H as mentioned in Fig. 9.2 . This should
correspond to following assemblages: Di ss +L(1)
should follow the course Y
Di ss +Lc ss + L (b, leucitite) (2) at
Di ss +Lc ss +Ne ss + L (3) at 865
C (nepheline leuci-
Di ss +Lc ss +Ne ss + San ss + L at 830 + 10
C (A, leucite-bearing phonolite)
Di ss +Ne ss + San ss +Lc ss + amphibole + L at 820
C (potassic pargasite and
leucite-bearing phonolite) (5)
Di ss +Ne ss + San ss + Amph ss + L at 815 + 10
(leucite-free potassic pargasite-bearing phonolite).
Edgar (1964) plotted the normative composition of 129 rocks containing alkali
pyroxene, nepheline and alkali feldspar (Fig. 9.5 ). The 1 and 2 GPa isobaric four-
phase points (Di ss +Ne ss + San ss + L) in the system diopside
are plotted in Fig. 9.5 . It is noted that the four-phase point B (1 GPa isobaric point)
is not far from the area where maximum density distribution occurs, and point C
(2 GPa isobaric four-phase point) is very close to maximum density distribution.
As the composition of the four-phase points (Di ss +Ne ss + San ss + L) for the
system diopside
sanidine at 1 and 2 GPa are Di 4 San 65 Ne 31 and Di 3 S-
an 73 Ne 24 , respectively, the
first liquid at those pressures should contain 4
3 wt%
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