Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 8
Incompatible Mineral Pairs in K-Rich
The mineral pairs orthopyroxene
leucite, leucite
albite, and melilite
are not observed together in natural K-rich silica-de
cient igneous rocks formed
under volcanic to subvolcanic conditions. The probable cause of incompatible
relationship for these pairs are described in this chapter.
8.1 Incompatibility Between Leucite and Orthopyroxene
Wendlandt and Eggler (1980b) studied the reaction, sanidine + forsterite
cite + enstatite. They observed that the univariant equilibrium curve is stable at the
following pressure
temperature conditions:
(0.5 GPa, 1,150
(0.25 GPa,
C) and (0.1 GPa, 1,040
C). They also established that the reaction leu-
cite + enstatite
forsterite + liquid may set the upper limit of coexistence of leucite
and enstatite. This univariant reaction occurs at following pressures and tempera-
tures: (0.25 GPa, 1,175
C). Thus, under volatile-free
condition, orthopyroxene and leucite may coexist in an extremely narrow
C) and (0.5 GPa, 1,150
field, but
investigation of Wendlandt and Eggler shows that below 1,000
C leucite and
enstatite reacts to form sanidine and forsterite; and this reaction may inhibit the
presence of leucite and enstatite in volcanic rocks crystallised at temperature below
C, when the lava cools down slowly to room temperature.
In their study of the system forsterite
CO 2 , Wendlandt and
Eggler (1980b) observed that in presence of volatile, following reactions would take
SiO 2 -
H 2 O
1. phlogopite + enstatite + sanidine + vapour
forsterite + liquid (0.2 GPa and
2. phlogopite + sanidine + vapour
C; 0.5 GPa and 975
forsterite + (leucite + liquid (0.5 GPa and
C and 0.2 GPa and 975
Thus, in presence of H 2 O and CO 2 the above two reactions are stable and leucite
and orthopyroxene should not coexist under equilibrium condition. On the basis of
the data for the plane forsterite
quartz provided by Wendlandt and Eggler
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