Geology Reference
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Chapter 7
Ternary Systems with Feldspathoids
In the fractionation scheme of basaltic magmas, CaO, MgO and total iron oxide
(FeO + Fe 2 O 3 ) contents decrease progressively, and those of Al 2 O 3 ,Na 2 O and
K 2 O increase with respect to silica (Harker 1909), as a result of which the residual
liquid becomes enriched with respect to NaAlSiO 4 (nepheline), KAlSiO 4 (kalsi-
lite), and SiO 2 components. Bowen (1928), therefore, referred to the system
NaAlSiO 4 -
SiO 2 as petrogny
s residua system, in which the NaAISi 3 O 8
KAlSi 3 O 8 (K-feldspar) join acts as a thermal barrier at low pressures. The
alkali feldspar join thus divides the system into a silica-de
cient and a silica-
saturated portion. The albite-K-feldspar-SiO 2 has relevance to the rocks of granite
family, and the silica-undersaturated portion has bearing on the genesis of felds-
pathoid-bearing ijolites, nepheline syenites ultrapotassic rocks and pseudoleucite.
7.1 The System Nepheline
SiO 2 Under Variable
T Conditions at or Below 5 Kb in Presence of Excess
Schairer and Bowen (1935) and Schairer (1950, Fig. 7.1 ) studied this system under
atmospheric pressure. They established extensive solid solution relationship
between albite and orthoclase under one atmosphere, and the join does not have any
eutectic, but has a temperature minimum; hence in the ternary join albite-ortho-
clase-SiO 2 , there is a cotectic line F
H and instead of a eutectic, there is also a
thermal minimum (point G, Fig. 7.1 ). This minimum is also popularly known as the
. With the increase of pressure in presence of H 2 O (up to 0.3
GPa), the granite minimum shifts toward albite (Tuttle and Bowen 1958). Slightly
above 0.35 GPa, the albite-orthoclase join has a eutectic and the study of Morse
(1969) showed the presence of a eutectic in this join at Or 28 Ab 72 under 0.5 GPa.
Since sanidinemelts incongruently at high temperature to formleucite and a silica-
saturated liquid, there is a
granite minimum
field of leucite, even in the silica-saturated side of the
albite-K-feldspar join. Since this volume is related to the genesis of silica-
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