Environmental Engineering Reference
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Minor, M.A. 2009. Surface energy balance and 24-h evapotranspiration on an agricultural landscape
with SRF willow in central New York, Biomass and Bioenergy 33:1710-1718.
Murray, K.S., D.T. Rogers, and M.M. Kaufman, 2008. Using GIS to Map and Assess Brownfield Sites
in Southwest Detroit . Presented at the International Brownfields Conference, sponsored by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the International City/County Management
Association, May 5, Detroit, MI.
Niederdeppe, J., M.A. Matthew, and C. Farrelly. 2004. Confirming “truth”: More evidence of a success-
ful tobacco countermarketing campaign in Florida. American Journal of Public Health 94:255-257.
Rogers, D.T., M.M. Kaufman, and K.S. Murray. 2006. Improving environmental risk management
through historical impact assessments. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association
Thomas, M.R. 2002. A weighted, multi-attribute, site prioritization and selection process for brown-
field redevelopment. Environmental Practice 4:95-106.
WCED (World Commission on Environment and Economic Development), 1987. Our Common
Future , Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
Yi, H., C.M. Chen, and G.D. Williams. 2006. Surveillance Report #76: Trends in Alcohol-Related Fatal
Traffic Crashes , United States, 1982-2004 ; Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System. Bethesda, MD:
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Division of Epidemiology and Prevention
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