Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
The next chapter presents six case studies that demonstrate the costs resulting from not
having the correct information to develop an effective pollution prevention program. The
outcome in some cases is damaging for the environment and costly for all involved.
Barrett, M.E., J.F. Malina Jr., and R.J. Charbeneau. 1998. An evaluation of geotextiles for temporary
sediment control. Water Environment Research 70:283-290.
Bartens, J., S.D. Day, J.R. Harris et al. 2008. Can urban tree roots improve infiltration through com-
pacted subsoils for stormwater management? Journal of Environmental Quality 37:2048-2057.
Cape, J.N., A.H.F. Brown, S.M.C. Robertson et al. 1991. Interspecies comparisons of throughfall and
stemflow at three sites in northern Britain. Forest Ecology and Management 46:165-177.
City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services, 2010. Downspout Disconnection Program.
http://www.portlandonline.com/bes/index.cfm?c=43081&a=177712 (accessed June 12, 2010).
Denardo, J.C., A.R. Jarrett, H.B. Manbeck et al. 2005. Stormwater mitigation and surface temperature
reduction by green roofs. Transactions of the ASABE 48:1491-1496.
Ernst, C., R. Gullick, and K. Nixon. 2004. Protecting the source: Conserving forests to protect water.
Opflow 30(5):1, 4-7.
Hudson, B.D. 1994. Soil organic matter and water quality. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Humenik, F., M. Smolen, and S. Dressing. 1987. Pollution from nonpoint sources. Environmental
Science and Technology 23:737-742.
Kaufman, M.M. 1999. Micro-topographic opportunities for stormwater management in urban land-
scapes. Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences 22:86-95.
Kaufman, M.M. 2000. Erosion control at construction sites: The science-policy gap. Environmental
Management 26:89-97.
Kaufman, M.M. and W.M. Marsh. 1995. CSO control is no longer mere engineering. American City
and County 110(2):10.
Kaufman, M.M. and M. Wurtz. 1997. Hydraulic and economic benefits of downspout diversion.
Journal of the American Water Resources Association 33:491-497.
Montrief, Dean. Superintendent of Water and Sewerage, City of Dearborn, MI. Workshop Presentation
at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, July 20, 2010.
Mosley, M.P. 1982. The effect of a New Zealand beech forest canopy on the kinetic energy of water
drops and on surface erosion. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 7:103-107.
Murray, K.S., D.T. Rogers, and M.M. Kaufman. 2006. Dissolved heavy metals in shallow ground-
water in an urban watershed in southeastern Michigan. Journal of the American Water Resources
Association 42:777-792.
Rogers, E.M. 1995. Diffusion of Innovations , 4th edn. New York: The Free Press.
Rogers, D.T., M.M. Kaufman, and K.S. Murray. 2006. Improving environmental risk management
through historical impact assessments. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association
Roy, A.H., S.J. Wenger, T.D. Fletcher et al. 2008. Impediments and solutions to sustainable, water-
shed-scale urban stormwater management: Lessons from Australia and the United States.
Environmental Management 42:344-359.
Schueler T.R. 1994. The importance of imperviousness. Watershed Protection Techniques 1:1-11.
Smolinske, S. and M.M. Kaufman. 2007. Consumer perception of household hazardous materials.
Clinical Toxicology 45:1-4.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1990. Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 . Code
of Federal Regulation 42 CFR, Chapter 133. Washington, DC.
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