Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information or Some web sites give
listings and ratings on seed-banks.
You can also do a search on the net using a search engine like
AltaVista or Yahoo. Find a good web site that is used by a number of
people and not a web site that is used by one person. A community of
users is a good place to go for message board forums and chat. Also
check to see that the site has a registered URL, like a .com site. If they
use a free web site service then consider staying clear of it because it
can disappear without trace overnight. Once you have found a web site
then run a search on 'seeds'. A listing may appear of all known seed-
banks that deal over the Internet. It is best then to check out the
reviews on each seed-bank by the public. A good one is or This gives the latest
update on each seed-bank and gives them a review out of 5. Find the
URL of each seed-bank and check out the prices. Some seed-banks do
deals on seeds and you will find that prices do change from bank to
bank. The next thing you do before buying anything is to send the web
master an E-mail. Ask him/her about their services, what seeds you
like, how they delivers, security arrangement, and if they can deliver to
your country. In some countries seeds are legal. In others they are not.
Wait until they give you a reply. If you do not get a reply then do not
use that seed-bank. These people are salesmen and should
communicate with you and answer all your questions. Also ask how
the money should be sent and ask about postage and packaging. Most
seed-banks sell their seeds in batches of 10 - 20. This means that you
will get 10 - 20 seeds in the post. Anything can happen. A misplaced
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