Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Bong: A water-cooled pipe made from glass.
Bonsai: The art of growing carefully trained plants.
Bract: A small leaf or scale-like structure associated with and
subtending an inflorescence or cone.
Bud: Female flower.
Caespitose: Growing in tufts.
Calyx: Outer whorl of flowering parts; collective term for all the sepals
of a flower.
Cambium: The thin membrane located just beneath the bark of a plant.
Canker: A canker is a necrotic often sunken area on a stem, trunk, or
branch of a plant.
Cannabinoids: The psychoactive compound found in cannabis.
Chillum: A small fat pipe made of clay.
Chlorophyll: The green pigment in leaves. When present and healthy
usually dominates all other pigments. It is important in the conversion
of CO2 and H2O into glucose.
Chlorosis: Chlorosis is the yellowing of normally green tissues due to
the destruction of the chlorophyll or the partial failure of the
chlorophyll to develop.
Chronic: A strain of cannabis or a high-quality cannabis weed.
Clasping: Leaf partly or wholly surrounding the stem.
Clones: Rooted Cuttings. Normally considered female in the context
they are spoken about unless otherwise directed.
CO2: The chemical formula for carbon dioxide.
Cola: Refers to the main branch of cannabis flowers located at the top
of the stem.
Colombian: Common imported bud from Colombia. Also a strain.
Compost: An organic soil amendment resulting from the
decomposition of organic matter.
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