Agriculture Reference
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wants everyone to be able to do this.
He stressed literally hundreds of plants with an irregular
What he does is put the lights on 12/12 for 10 days. Then turns the
lights on 24 hours, then 12/12 again for a few days, then back to 24
hours for a day, then 12/12 again for a few weeks.
If he does this and no hermaphrodites come up. He has found
a 100% XX female that cannot go hermaphrodite naturally. He says
that your chances of finding a 100% XX female is vastly increased
when using Indica genetics. He told me that the more Afghani or
Nepalese genetics the plant has, the better the chances of finding a
natural XX female. His exact words were "Where did Mother Nature
give weed a home at originally?"
I tried to get him to narrow it down to a ratio, but he never
specified just how many plants per are XX females his exact words are
"plenty of XX girls for everybody" and that is all he will say on the
subject. Only that it takes a lot of time and a lot of plants to find that
one female.
He then uses Gibrellic acid. 30 centilitres of water with 2
grams of Gibrellic acid [Authors note: This is an incorrect amount
please follow the directions at the end of this section next to the *
mark. TSM did correct himself but not in this post. He did so later on.]
(Continued) and 2 drops of Natruim Hydroxide to liquefy the Gibrellic.
Then applies as normal and creates the male flowers. He has as pud
said gotten down to the 4th Generation with
NO loss of vigor, NO genetic deficiencies and NO hermaphrodites. He
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