Agriculture Reference
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Remember that all the random possible combinations of the members
of a population would equal (c x c) + 2cd + (d x d), or (c+d) X (c+d)
Then, c + d = 0.4 + 0.6 = 1
And (c x c) + 2cd + (d x d)
= BB + Bb + bb
= .24 + .48 + .30 = 1
This means that the population can increase in size, but the
frequencies of B and b will stay the same.
Now, suppose we break the 4th law about not introducing another
population into this one.
Let us say that we add 4 more b.
b + b + b + b enter the pool. This brings our total up to 34 instead of
30. What will the gene and genotypic frequencies be?
f (B) = 12/34 = .35 = 35 %
f (b) = 22/34 = .65 = 65%
f (BB) = .12, f (Bb) = .23 and f (bb) = .42
Oppss, .42 does not equal 1. This means that the Equilibrium law fails
if the 4th law is not met. When the new genes entered the pool it
resulted in a change of the population's gene frequencies. However if
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