Agriculture Reference
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stance on cannabis which means that jobs will be lost and revenues
(billions of this - $$$) will be lost if cannabis was decriminalized.
Cannabis prohibition is a booming industry that creates jobs and
capital. However if cannabis was decriminalized then these lost profits
could be derived from a new cannabis industry.
Probably one of the best sites for medical information is,, or
One other thing to mention is that street cannabis may
contain other added drugs. In most clinical cases, a person who
complains about cannabis addiction and shows physical signs of
addiction is not actually addicted to cannabis. They are addicted to the
other drug substances that the supplier has added to his produce to
make it stronger. 100% home grown clean cannabis does not contain
physical additive properties. People who add other drugs to cannabis
are not doing the cannabis community a favor. This is a good reason to
grow your own pot.
There are many strains or versions of the Cannabis plant alive
today. Most strains are the result of human intervention and these are
the types you will most likely come across or even smoke. Breeders try
to produce strains that are tasty, smell good and give the user different
types of highs. These are the strains that are best looked out for
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