Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
hydroponics to get their plants to grow bigger and better.
When growing outdoors you need to keep your plants in good
shape and free from any unwanted predators that may find your top
cola and leaves to be quite tasty. We will talk about this in the chapter
about pests.
The best way to weed is buy hand. Do not attempt to add any
weed killer to your grow area unless you know more about the weed
killer you are using and how it reacts with cannabis. Some weed killers
say that they will protect your plant and only kill the weeds around but
this is not very agreeable with marijuana plants. If you want to test
weed killers then it is suggested that you may create a small patch with
one clone to see how the weed killer reacts with it. For now, do your
weeding by hand.
When you have weeded a grow area your plant will grow
much better without having to worry about competition for light.
Generally throughout the plants grow cycle you will have to weed the
patch every week for the first 2 - 3 weeks and then once every month
until as such time as the competition has been left truly and well
behind. Some grow areas may be weed free in March, but come June
the area may not seem like it has been weeded at all because of the
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