Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Third Early Sexing Method.
Force-flowering a cutting is probably the best early sexing
method out there. Simply take a cutting from the plant that you want
to sex and place the cutting in a cup of water or into a cloning medium
such as rockwool. Give the cutting 12 hours light and 12 hours total
darkness. The cutting will flower and display its sex. Clones will carry
the exact same genetic make-up as the plant it came from, including
These methods are NOT 100% accurate but will help you to
understand more about the visible differences between male and
female plants. In a moment we will explain how to identify sex
properly and completely.
Your plant will Pre-flower between 1 and 2 weeks and during
this period the new growth regions begin to change shape depending
on whether the plant is male or female. It is during this shape change
that you can properly detect your plant's sex.
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