Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
A soil flush causes the plant a great deal of shock and should only be
attempted as a last resort if your plant is dying and can not be cured by
any other means.
If your plant makes it, the plant may have sustained some
damage. If any of the leaves are burnt or look dead you can remove
them from the plant by clipping them away. Plants usually take about
2 weeks to get back to full health.
pH - bringing back to neutral from acidic:
If the pH of your soil is too acidic then you may want to bring
it back to a natural 7. What you need is Lime. Lime can be bought in
small containers from any grow shops. Just simply add some lime to
your soil the next time you water your plant. Only add small amounts
each time and then the next day use the pH meter to study the effects.
What you will find is that you will get to know your soil better than I
could describe here and know what it needs. Advanced growers know
how much lime they need to bump their acidic soil back to 7. They
know this by trial and error. This is one thing about cannabis growing.
The best cannabis growers grow good cannabis because they have
made many mistakes in the past. Learning is an experience and that is
why people enjoy growing. They like to learn more and experience
more. Don't let a bad growing encounter put you off.
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