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in this topic. We strongly encourage you to take up and refine some of the models
presented in this topic to further accommodate data from real systems.
We selected a variety of different systems, spanning the disciplines of physics,
genetics, biology, ecology, economics, and engineering, to illustrate the power of
dynamic modeling and the multitude of possible applications. Other dynamic mod-
eling topics geared specifically toward some of these and other disciplines are pub-
lished in this topic series.
With this topic, and the series as a whole, we wish to initiate a dialogue with
(and among) you and other modelers. We invite you to share with us your ideas,
suggestions, and criticisms of the topic, its models, and its presentation format. We
also encourage you to send us your best STELLA models. We intend to make the
best models available to a larger audience, possibly in the form of topics, acknowl-
edging you as one of the selected contributors. The models will be chosen based
on their simplicity and their application to an interesting phenomenon or real-world
problem. Keep in mind that these models are mainly used for educational purposes.
So register now by sending us your name, address, and possibly something about
your modeling concerns. Invite your interested colleagues and students to also reg-
ister with us now. We can build a modeling community only if we know how to
make, and maintain, contact with you. We believe that the dynamic modeling en-
thusiasm, the ecolate skill, spreads by word of mouth, by people in groups of two or
three sitting around a computer doing this modeling together, building a new model
or reviewing one by another such group. Share your thoughts and insights with us,
and through us, with other modelers.
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